Who has ever been the object of someone else’s anger or hatred?
At some point in everyone’s life, we come across others who hate us, just
because. Their words and action can be hurtful and can cause us to look at ourselves
in a way that is not beneficial to our personal growth and progress. How do we overcome it?
How do we begin to take these moments with a grain of salt and not allow them to effect us? It is
always easier said than done. But, I want to provide a CHALLENGE that may begin to
allow you to change your perspective so that external negativity, will not affect your
internal happiness and success.
This month, every time you are on the receiving end of a negative comment,
post, conversation, etc., change the conversation in your mind. If someone picks you
apart, put yourself back together. For example, if someone says your upper body is
too big, internalize that as meaning that your hard work in the gym is finally paying
off and others can see it too! Or, if someone makes fun of you for even something as
silly as your hair being too curly, internalize that as meaning that you are just too
wild to tame!
Make the conversation fun, light-hearted and positive. We are never going to
be able to please everyone that comes in contact with us. We will always meet
people in our lives that would rather see us fail than succeed. It is how we handle
these things that makes us who we are and ultimately determines our future. We
have to remind ourselves, daily, to never let the opinions of others change our
opinions of ourselves.
Refer to my December Challenge, “25 Days of Self Love”, as another great way
to remind yourself of who you are and what you can accomplish, despite how others
choose to view you.
Link: https://www.katiecorio.com/25-days-self-love/